Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Autumn in Heidelberg

Moore Haus

View of Heidelberg from the Castle


Leaf pile I hesitated to jump in!

Of course


Sunday, November 4, 2012

Cassis, France

Hotel in Marseilles we slept on top of


The Cap in Cassis at sunset

View from the Cap

Cap over the Mediterranean


Hammock camp on the Cap

The way we get around

The Calanques in Cassis. Soon to be National Park.

Afternoon break

First night's hammock location above harbor

Aaron's gainer with Cap in background

My backflip

Hammock with the Cap

1,000 ft drop. Scary!

Cassis in background

Sleeping Saturday night in sketchy Marseilles train station

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Eiffel Tower

Playing Frisbee

Had to set up my hammock!

Palace of Versailles

Toyota 2000 GT!

Our camp set up in the park!

Notre Dame

The Louvre

The Easter Island Head

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Vienna EFT

Beautiful Theseus Mosaic in the Kunsthistorche Museum

Amazing Gothic church outside of Vienna

The playground at the church, with everyone playing on it!

Inside the church

Inside the Schonbrunn palace

building on the palace grounds

Me in front of Schonbrunn

Power T's

Labyrinth we walked through

Some of the Austrian crown jewels

My favorite building in Vienna, the Parliament building